
6.15.06 - Contract and First Home Study

Today was a busy day on the adoption home front. We got an e-mail from our agency saying they were sending out the contract. Once we fill out and then send back the contract (we have 30 days in which to do this), the clock starts ticking. Typically from the time WPA gets the contract, it will be about 7 months until we get our referral. Then travel is typically 3 weeks to 2 months after that. So say we get the contract turned in the middle of July, we'll be looking at getting a referral in the Feb-March time frame (average- could be sooner, could be later) and then traveling somewhere in the March- May months.

The other part of today was that we had our first home study visit! It was one of the more different experiences I've ever had. In a way, it was a lot like a job interview. She asked questions, we had to answer. Only the questions were like none other- describe how you grew up; what were your parents like- strict, fair, mean... It was quite interesting to say the least. We have one more appointment with her at her office when I get back from Switzerland. Today was 2 hours and the next meeting should be two hours also. She was a very nice woman though and it was pleasant to be conversing with her- which I suppose means she's successful in her profession. :-) Hopefully we'll find out what the "verdict" is in a couple of weeks.

Only other piece of inconsequential information is that we set up a FedEx account. It is for all the over night mailing back and forth that we'll be doing. FedEx is apparently the most reliable. The other nice thing is, if the agency needs to mail us something and we want to get it quickly, we can just give them our account number and they'll overnight. Gotta like that part.

We HAVE to get going on our dossier though. If that word is new to you, it's pronounced dos (like the operating system) ee-ay. If there's one thing you can do out there, it's to help keep our feet to the fire on collecting the documents. The quicker we do that, the sooner we can travel. Keep us accountable and ask, "How's the paper chase?" Nothing will embarrass me more than having to tell you, "Same as it was the last time we talked."

Stay tuned and thanks for the prayers!



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