
1.15.06 Part I - January 14- Decision Day

After 4 years of having the desire to adopt on our hearts, we finally made the decision to start the process. And oh what a long process it will be. There are so many aspects to it all, it makes my head swim!

That is one of the reasons for this blog though. We wanted a place to capture our thoughts as well as keep our friends and family up to date. Initially this will be a little chaotic until I figure out how I want to do this and what to share.

I still have to wrap my mind around how I will organize it. With blogs, the first entry starts at the bottom of the page and the most previous entry is at the top. Natural human tendency is to start at the top of the page and read down though. How to organize it in such a way that is in keeping with the technical capabilities of the program yet still makes sense to the average person will be key here.

We would like this post to be a place where family and friends can find out the latest news on what we're doing. A place where inclusion is the name of the game. I read a book titled Adoption is a Family Affair which is written to family members and friends of the couple that is planning to adopt and there was a quote in there that made a lot of sense to me, but I also took it one step further. Let me give you the quote first. "Treat waiting adopters as expectant-- giggle and fuss! Maree remarked, 'If I were six months pregnant, people would be drooling over me, but since I'm expecting by adoption, I get so much nonchalance, shock, and plain old rudeness. Adoption is sometimes treated as not being 'real' (and, of course, with all the hopes and fears, some of us hold back in our excitement) therefore, it would be helpful for those around us to understand our need to be treated as if we are expecting, or pregnant by adoption.'" That being said, neither of us have felt the "shock" or "rudeness" that some people feel so please put your mind at ease if you thought I was directing those comments at anyone specifically. The point of that is the next step to which I took that quote was that if we were literally pregnant instead of pregnant by adoption, we'd be sharing those moments with you! We'd be showing our ultrasound pictures off like proud parents-to-be. We'd be telling you horror stories of morning sickness and weight gain and sympathy weight and weird cravings and when the baby starts to kick, and yes, even with some of our closer friends, we'd tell more of the intimate details of cramps and sleepless nights and number of bathroom runs per day.

Well adoption is the same thing only different. As I wrote in an e-mail earlier today, being pregnant literally or being pregnant through adoption requires a lot of waiting, a lot of praying, a lot of wondering what the baby will be like, a lot of anticipation, a lot of fear, a lot of excitement... It doesn't matter if the baby comes from within or from an external source. The emotions are all there just as poignantly in either situation.

We'd like to share that with you, and I am taking a leap of faith (though I believe it to be a miniscule leap knowing all of you) that you are interested in sharing with us.


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