
1.19.06 - Narrowing Down the Countries

Well we decided to pick our country. Our rationale is that by picking our country, we can then pick our agency. Once we pick our agency, we can do our homestudy through someone our agency has worked with in the past for ease of process sake. This assumes that the agency we choose is out of state. If they were in state, they would do our homestudy as well. We don't absolutely have to do it this way, but it gives me a piece of mind to have some of the ambiguity removed. I like having a plan. :-)

Since I (Jen) have been doing all the research, I compiled a bunch of information and gave it to Jim to read over. I imagine it will take him a few days as there are some great blogs out there. My favorite was so good it was like reading a book- I couldn't put it down. I think it took me two hours from start to finish.

I've got two countries in mind, but I'll refrain from mentioning them for now. Who knows- after Jim does his reading, he may come up with a completely different country. We shall see.

I've become addicted to the blogs. I just keep reading and reading more information. Once Jim started reading some of what I passed on to him, his interest level spiked even more. I'm really excited to see what he comes back to me with.



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