
6.29.06 - Busy Fingerprinting week

This week has been a busy one. I came back from Switzerland and France to find we had received our contract. Woo hoo! On Tuesday we had our fingerprints taken at the Orono PD and we had our second, third, and fourth home study visits (more on how that can possibly be later). Wednesday we sent off a packet to the FBI so they can provide us with a clearance letter. Thursday I sent off all the remainder of the documents for the home study (police reports, medical insurance, health forms, etc), and we had our finger prints taken again for the BCIS (Citizenship & Immigration Services which is a part of the US Department of Homeland Security).

I also ordered new certified marriage certificates and birth certificates, but that's not really of interest.

I called Orono (our town) Police on Monday looking to set up a fingerprint appointment. The lady and I talked times and all the times I gave her that both Jim and I already had available because we were already taking off of work didn't work so I finally said, "Ok, what's the next "first thing in the morning" appointment you have available?" She said, "Well... first thing? How early?" My ears perk up. "Doesn't matter. As early as you can go." She said, "Well how about 7:15am tomorrow? The office isn't open and the doors are locked, but I'll look for you when I get in and I'll bring you on back." Sweet! So she brought us back and actually gave us a mini tour too. VERY nice! All before the place actually even opened up. All the other police officers were just getting in too.

So that was Monday morning and then Tuesday morning. Back to Monday evening though. So I came home and found an e-mail from our homestudy lady regarding our visit the next morning saying, "I'd like to tweak things. I'd like to do 45 minutes with one of you, then 30 minutes together, then 45 with the other." Oh my gosh. I think Jim and my stress levels went soaring high. "What?" "Why does she want to split us up?" "Did we do something bad before?" "Did she think we lied together last time?" Etc., etc. So I showed up first and how we handle stress came up so I gave her this example and her reply was, "Oh my gosh, I'm soooo sorry, that was not the intent at all. I found out that Kaz likes to have more than 2 visits so if I broke this visit out 3 ways, I could say we had a total of 4 while still being efficient with your time." Ohhhhhhhh. :-) So then I asked about what her assessment was and she said that we were smooth sailing. We were going to make great parents, we have a beautiful home, etc. etc. It was really quite moving. She asked us to describe ourselves and then each other (during our alone visits) and when she had us together, she said, "You know what? Neither of you mentioned this word, but I'm going to put it in because I believe you really are 'conscientious.'" I've heard the word and I thought I knew what it meant, but the way she used was almost reverent. It was definitely a word of honor to her, so I decided to look it up when I got home to see if I should feel honored that she was bestowing this word upon us. The exact definition is:
  • governed by or conforming to the dictates of the sense or of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good 1: having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper 2 : punctiliously exact
Once I read the meaning, I did feel honored.

Wednesday I made a pact with myself to get something done on the paperchase each night, so I worked a bit on stuff. I completed all the stuff needed for the agency to complete the homestudy. Right now it's completely in their hands (she has two weeks to write up the draft), and then she'll send it to us and we and our adoption agency will review it.

Today (Thursday) we got our fingerprints taken again for the I-600A form. So the last fingerprints went to the FBI for clearance. These ones went to the BCIS to go on to who knows where. I don't really need to know- as long as nothing shows up in either of our files. Which of course we know there is nothing unless someone snuck into our homes, made wax copies of our fingers while we were sleeping and went off and completed a bunch of crimes with... yeah... overreactive imagination.

So that's the deal for this week. I have two pages of checklists of documents we have to get. Jim and I divided them up so he gets to work on some and I get to work on some.

Jim is also working on our new website. We'll be "moving" pretty soon. In fact, given the positivity of the homestudy, we're ready to go public with our news (passed the first trimester if you will), but I want to wait till he gets the new website up and running so I can show that off too. It's COOL! We both worked on it together- I found the picture, he came up with the name, I came up with the format, and he did all the backend work. I helped by moving the entries in this website over. That kind of thing. His backend work is definitely the bulk of the work though. I know he's spent two weekends on it so far and it's not complete yet.

That's the scoop for this week.



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